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How to Fix Resolving Host Error in Google Chrome

Here are few solutions to fix the problem of Resolving Host in Google Chrome causing the slow load of websites and DNS Server not found.

Many a time you may notice a very annoying issue with your chrome browser. Some particular websites cause an issue in loading and show a message at the bottom ‘Resolving Host’. In some cases, the websites load slowly and in many cases, they do not load and show up a message ‘Server DNS Could Not be Found’. 

Today I have come up with few potentially useful solutions to fix this issue of resolving host with your Chrome.

Solution 1: Clear DNS Cache of Google Chrome

This is one of the easiest and most useful fixes to stop the issue of resolving host.


Hit Clear Host Cache Button

  • Simply visit the URL ‘chrome://net-internals/#dns‘.
  • Click on Clear Host Cache button next to Host resolver cache.
  • You will notice the websites are working properly.

Solution 2: Flush your Outdated DNS

If your DNS cache is outdated then you have is manually delete it.

  • To do so simply enter;
     Win + R 
  • And type cmd in the search box.
  • Type ipconfig /flushdns, hit Enter.
  • Restart your computer to check the issue.

Solution 3: Change Protocol DNS Settings

DNS Server Change

DNS Server Change

  • Search ‘ncpa.cpl‘ in Windows.
  • Look for the option called Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
  • Click on it and click on the properties button.
  • Now manually use following DNS servers; Preferred DNS server as & Alternate DNS server as (Google’s public DNS) (Set IP as automatic)
  • Restart the browser and check websites.
Related:  Resolve iPage 500 Internal Server Error on WordPress

Solution 4: Clear Browsing Data

Next simple thing you can do is clear your browsing data (Do not confuse it with browsing history).

  • Go to Setting of your chrome browser.
  • Scroll down and hit on Show Advanced settings.
  • Here under Privacy and click on button Clear Browsing Data.
  • Web sites will start loading.


    Uncheck Prediction Services

Solution 5: Disable DNS Prediction Services

  • Go to settings of Chrome.
  • Scroll down and click on Advanced settings.
  • Here you will see an option of ‘Use Prediction Services to Load the Pages more Quickly’
  • Simply uncheck the box and restart the browser.

Solution 6: Restart the DNS Client

  • Search for ‘services.msc’ in the window and open the services.
  • Look for the option named DNS Client.
  • Right click on it and tap Restart.

Solution 7:  Try resetting TCP/IP

Run the following commands in this order in the Command Prompt (to run each command, press ENTER after typing it):

ipconfig /release
ipconfig /all
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew
netsh int ip set dns
netsh winsock reset
Source: https://www.digitbin.com/fix-resolving-host-chrome/